E2P+SEND delivers:
Early Years and Primary School online assessment with Mobile App
Child reports & analysis of progress and development
Record and save evidence instantly to the assessment package (video, photo, and audio) using the latest mobile App technology.
Attribute evidence easily to children, including a description of learning outcomes and developmental stage to facilitate accurate EYFS, Primary and SEND assessment.
E2P+Send allows formative assessment of children’s wide ranging needs:
– Profound, multiple and complex conditions, autistic spectrum conditions, severe learning difficulties.
– Pupils with behavioural social and emotional difficulties.
Direct, automated import of all the key class, year group and child data from your MIS (e.g. SIMs, Integris G2).
Moderation capability including the creation of shared exemplification files, with photo and video evidence.
Key Benefits of E2P+SEND
Fulfil your assessment and reporting requirements
Direct, automated import of all the key class, year group and child data from your MIS (e.g. SIMs, Integris G2, Arbor).
Formative assessment of children with wide ranging needs including SEND
Internal and external moderation capability including the creation of shared exemplification files, with photo and video evidence.
Save time for busy teachers
No replication of data input. No manual data analysis.
Comprehensive live, online reports and analysis for school leaders, teachers, parents and children.
The latest mobile App technology for Teachers and Parents (video, photo, and audio)
Keep your Data Safe
Ensure pupil’s highly confidential data is kept safe, using our best in class, GDPR compliant and secure architecture.
Encourage parental engagement
Parents access the system via their own login and can also contribute evidence of home learning.
E2P+SEND is a multilingual package – communicate reports with parents / carers in their own language.
E2P is there to support you throughout
One to one training and dedicated phone and email support, allowing you to get on with your job.

WE ARE PROUD TO Announce Our SEND Beacon School Trust have just been Judged an ‘Outstanding provider’ – A huge congratulations to Abi and the team. E2P+send assessment data was considered integral in enriching day to day practice and provision.
Our Pricing
At Early Essence we offer a range of packages to meet the needs of different settings.
Contact us for a competitive price and finding the correct package for your setting. All prices include our current offers, plus free training and support throughout your license agreement.
We also offer special discounts when purchasing multiple licenses e.g. academies, clusters and local authorities.
All About E2P+SEND
E2P+SEND is developed by teachers for teachers. The team has extensive education experience, much of it in senior leadership roles.
Our solutions are based on more than 10 years of providing online assessment tools.
We provide robust and proven systems for formative assessment and reporting of development.
We are proud to include all children, regardless of need. We continue to be committed to helping school leaders, teachers, parents and their children to drive and take ownership of personalised learning.
Meet our Team

Scott Parkin MA Ed, BSc(Hons), NPQH, QTS
Scott has been a teacher for 17 years including a headship and a senior leader for 4 (including headship), with responsibility for data management and analysis- a key role within this time. Scott has been described as an outstanding teacher and leader by Ofsted with particular praise for his development of tracking systems which enable the whole school community to access the data and what it really means. Scott is a current practitioner and is committed to staying at the forefront of educational provision.

Michelle Parkin BA(Hons) Chartered FCSI
Michelle has worked as an Investment Manager for over 20 years which included time with a leading firm of stockbrokers and latterly setting up her own asset management business. She manages the finance and administration of E2P and her experience and acumen ensures both the sustainability and value for money.
Here’s what our customers have to say about E2P+SEND
Our Pre-School has been using Early Essence (E2P) for 3 years now. We use tablets to record observations and the website for adding detail and publishing observations so parents can see what their children have been up to. It is a very simple system to use for our key workers.
As admins, we use the extra data tools for collating reports on things like year group data, children above or below expected levels of achievement and we also print spreadsheets for working with key workers on areas of need, next steps etc.
We showed this information to the inspector during our last Ofsted inspection and it was very well received and complimented on, helping us retain our Outstanding rating!
We really love using this platform and would highly recommend it to other groups/schools.
The Early Essence system offers early years teachers the chance to track progress of every child at a quick glance. I have found the the colour coded graphs and observation tables so valuable, quickly identifying an area of learning which need more focus and flagging children that could be slipping from the radar!
From the outset we have been impressed by Scott’s professionalism and understanding of the needs of school’s. We felt that we were consulted and believe that by working together and listening that Scott and Adam have created a special package which will allow children to be tracked and monitored more closely than ever before. We look forwards to embedding the software into our Academy systems. We would like to say a huge thank you to Scott and Adam at Primary Essence.
Making the change from paper based Record of Achievements to using Early Essence has been probably one of the biggest but best decisions we have made over the last few years….the benefits have been enormous – reduction in paperwork for staff and easy access to qualitative and quantitative data for management to name but a few.
Having seen the development of Primary Essence, I have been greatly impressed by the way in which Scott and Adam have listened to the needs of schools and responded by producing what looks like the most professional, comprehensive data tracking system we have seen. We’re looking forward now to using the full package – it promises to make our data so much easier to analyse and to share with other stakeholders. I’d fully recommend you take a look to see how it can benefit your school.
Early Essence has had a great impact on the way we track, assess and monitor children’s progress in Early Years. The staff have found the package very easy to use even though they had their reservations at first. We have more time to conduct a higher volume of observations now as we are not spending as much time cutting and sticking pictures/observations into scrap books. The children can be closely tracked and monitored and any areas of concern are easy to highlight for the Senior Leadership Team.
‘I am delighted with the effective and user friendly way this tracker enables the school to extract the key information we need’
Read the latest news from E2P+SEND
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